Bucket List Ideas Easy

Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things to do checklist


Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish

List of stuff to do

I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Here are some Bucket List Ideas Easy items I have now:

  • Go to the opera
  • Swim with a school of fish
  • Go rock climbing
  • Make and bury a time capsule
  • Jump off a diving board
  • Shoot a bow and arrow
  • Send a care package
  • Have a signature drink
  • Drive through a dust storm
  • Shoot a gun
  • Speak in a foreign accent for a whole day
  • Plant a garden
  • Write your will
  • Climb a rock wall
  • Get an adjustment from a chiropractor
  • Sponsor a child
  • Eat caviar, brie, and lobster
  • Take a bubblebath by candlelight with champagne, wine or sparkling cider
  • Knit something
  • Sew something wearable
  • Sail a Boat
  • Carve a pumpkin
  • Play the lotto
  • Get something besides your eyebrows waxed
  • Get a complete physical done with blood work
  • Ban negativity from your life
  • Slide down a waterslide
  • Learn to say hello in 26 languages
  • Get a tattoo
  • Thank a veteran
  • Be passionate about a worthy cause
  • Mosh
  • Ride on a luge
  • Have a cool nickname
  • Learn to make one really nice meal from scratch
  • Shop on Black Friday
  • Watch every movie on the imdb top 250 list
  • Have a past life regression session
  • Stand under a waterfall
  • Ice skate
  • Base jump
  • Take a cooking lesson
  • Spend the day at a spa
  • See a play/musical
  • Watch turtles hatch & run for the ocean
  • Paint a picture
  • Read a holy book from cover to cover
  • Take a helicopter ride
  • Take public transportation
  • Host a theme party
  • Do 50 random acts of kindness
  • Skydive
  • Swim with dolphins
  • Start a blog
  • Wrap a snake around your neck
  • Have a signature look
  • Climb a tree
  • Rope swing into water
  • Dress up fancy and go somewhere mundane
  • Paint a room purple, hot pink or neon green
  • Do "it" in public
  • Be a tourist in your own city
  • Learn and perform a magic trick
  • Go to a religious service of another faith
  • Bake cookies for your neighbors, co-workers, etc
  • Send postcards from your home city
  • Buy stock
  • Explore a cave
  • Play golf
  • Visit 5 different museums
  • Whitewater raft
  • Order room service
  • Speak pig latin
  • Watch a sunrise and sunset in the same day
  • Try out for a reality show
  • Pay the toll for the car behind you
  • Cut your hair really short
  • Be someone's biggest fan
  • Watch a Shirley Temple movie
  • Swim with Stingrays
  • Swim with turtles
  • Go whale watching
  • Become an organ donor
  • Attach notes to balloons and release them
  • Bungee Jump
  • Volunteer with elephants
  • Identify 10 constellations
  • Take a day trip someplace new
  • See the salmon run
  • Get a caricature done of yourself
  • Join postcrossing and collect postcards
  • Take a CPR class
  • Ride a segway
  • Dog sled
  • Grow your hair long
  • Tour a factory
  • Eat fire
  • Rapell
  • Visit a nursing home
  • Take a class on Craftsy
  • Walk on glass
  • Zipline
  • Get something pierced
  • Decorate your yard for a holiday or occasion
  • Ride ATVs in the sand dunes
  • Participate in NaNoWriMo
  • Snowboard
  • Parasail
  • Swim in the ocean
  • Ride in a canoe and/or kayak
  • Swim with whale sharks
  • Host a scavenger hunt
  • Make s'mores over a campfire
  • Kite surf
  • Read a classic novel
  • Play poker
  • Become an ordained minister
  • Roller blade
  • Sell something online
  • Plan your own funeral
  • Name a star
  • Play pool/billiards
  • Witness a solar eclipse
  • Jump off a cliff
  • Do a flip on a trampoline
  • Walk on hot coals
  • Toss a coin into a fountain
  • Take the scenic route
  • Make something out of clay
  • Walk a Suspension Bridge
  • Go clam digging
  • Ride a skateboard
  • Play the harmonica
  • Register for bethematch.org
  • Get hypnotized
  • Donate blood
  • Join the mile high club
  • Feed sharks
  • Go to a concert for a band or singer you've never heard of
  • Get a makeover at a salon
  • Drive or ride on a motorcyle
  • Bet on a horse or dog race
  • Sing karaoke in public
  • Go on a ghost hunt
  • Plant a tree
  • Get bucked off a bucking bronco
  • Learn to swim
  • Make spaghetti sauce from scratch
  • Learn a dance
  • Go bowling
  • Go to a comedy club
  • Ride a rollercoaster
  • Indoor skydive
  • Go off-roading
  • Ride in a hot air balloon
  • Build a snow, sand or dirt man
  • Feed animals at the zoo
  • Throw someone a surprise party
  • Go camping
  • Scuba dive
  • Vote
  • Give up meat (for at least a week)
  • Volunteer your time at a shelter, or other worthy cause
  • Milk a cow
  • Hold a tarantula
  • Feed a koala bear
  • Change a flat tire
  • Make homemade ice cream
  • Go on a Police Ride along
  • Go caroling
  • Geocache
  • Take a tennis lesson
  • Take a lesson to play a musical instrument
  • Wish upon a star
  • Ride in a limo
  • Host a dinner party
  • Try 15 types of ethnic cuisine
  • Play darts
  • Make homemade root beer
  • Do a charity walk/run
  • Get a massage
  • Create your own personal recipe book
  • Go on a hayride
  • Meditate
  • Get a tan
  • Release sky lanterns
  • Take a flying lesson or discovery flight
  • Be passionate about a sports team
  • Get a Tattoo
  • Take a jumping pic
  • Kiss a sea lion
  • Learn to make a good mixed drink
  • Do a striptease
  • Play chess
  • Streak in a public place
  • Hike every trail at a state park
  • Attend a bondurant
  • Write letters to 5 people who positively influenced you
  • Adopt a shelter animal

Bucket List Ideas Easy

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