Monthly Goals Ideas
Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things to do checklist

Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish
List of stuff to do
I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Here are some travel items I have now:
- Get my own domain
- Complete 50 books from my book list (1/50)
- Start a container garden
- Get new windows for the house
- Send a care package to a soldier
- Participate in an online book exchange
- Paint two canvases for the bathroom
- Moving 5 days a week, running 2 times. The wonderful Spring weather is definitely helping me attain this goal. I love running next to the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia.
- Decluttering. I’ve been focused on small spring cleaning projects more than intentional decluttering
- Take a rock climbing class
- Take one bubble bath per month
- Learn to make 10 new cocktails (1/10)
- Get a safety deposit box for important documents
- Run a half marathon
- Purge old magazines and give away
- Take each niece on a special afternoon trip 1 on 1
- Sell/give away any CD’s I no longer enjoy
- Attend a vegetarian club event
- Go vegan for 1 month
- Get an office plant
- Start an IRA
- Put 200/month to pay my student loan
- Personal Development and Work
- Sleep. I think I’ve been getting at least 6 hours most nights, but I’ve been staying up way too late…hence the above.
- Volunteer for a committee/group at work
- Be able to park both cars in the garage&
- Making our bed daily
- Make 10 different kinds of homemade ice cream
- Create a personal website
- Make a mosaic something
- Blogging editorial calendar.
- Make a family recipe cookbook to distribute to family
- Learn how to make Grandma’s banana cream pie
- No TV for one week
- Get my rollerblades fixed or buy new rollerblades
- Household
- Write a letter to congress
- Learn how to pair wine and food
- Hang up all art/photos in the house
- Volunteer to baby-sit 3 times for the O’Neil’s so they can go out sans children (1/3)
- See a show at Radio City Music Hall
- Get involved with the 2008 campaign
- Identify 100 things that make me happy
- Travel
- Attend a yoga retreat at the Kripalu Center
- Take a pastry-making class
- Create a cleaning schedule and follow it for three months
- Get rid of at least 25 books I no longer read/want
- No caffeine for 2 weeks
- Tame the weeds in the backyard
- Learn photography
- Me!
- Make a will
- Cook one new recipe per week
- Go to a Steelers game
- Do 20 minutes of sun salutations before bed every night for 2 weeks
- Health and Fitness
- Music
- 1:1 Dates with my sons and hubby.
- Activism
- Gratitude. I usually write my gratitude list in the mornings, reflecting over the day before, but since I haven’t made the time for my morning routine a lot of this month, I haven’t been writing my gratitude lists. I think I’d like to try reflecting at the end of the evening and doing my list at night as I’m winding down in May.
- Go camping
- Finish my MBA
- For one month, go to bed at 9:00 and read books
- My morning routine. I have been letting myself sleep in in the morning and I haven’t given myself time to follow my morning routine.
- Organize my CD collection on iTunes
- Start a small part-time home business
- Take Molly for a walk every day for a month
- Take a calligraphy class
- Budgeting.
- Get professional photos done of me and Joe
- Monthly outing with our family
- Try 10 new restaurants
- Take an adult swim lesson
- Throw a holiday party
- Visit 5 states I have never been to
- Volunteer at a marathon
- Get rid of 101 material items (magazines/books/CD’s don’t count)
- Get a massage
- Sell something on Etsy
- Learn how to make wine
- Start a hobby for Joe and me to do together
- Bring in surprise breakfast or snacks for the office 10 times
- Make a quilt
- Start a new blog for this project
- Workout around the city
- Organize my live music collection
- Volunteer to baby-sit 3 times for the Roman’s so they can go out sans children
- Art
- Finances
- Floss every day for a month
- Posting on the blog twice a week.
- Go vegetarian for 1 month
- Cook at least 20 recipes out of 2 of my cookbooks
- Things That Didn’t Go as well:
- Learn how to decorate a cake properly
- Reconnect with 5 old friends
- Go parasailing
- Pay down my student loan by half (down to $7,500)
- Don’t buy anything from the food court at work for one month
- Meal planning every week at least 5 out of 7 days, usually all 7
- Host a summer barbeque party
- Family and Friends
- Meditate for 15 minutes per day for one month
- Learn Photoshop
- Take Papa on a train ride
- Get up 1 hour early for 2 weeks to exercise or read
- Post at least one post for each 101 thing on my list
- Put 200/month in an IRA
- No new clothes or shoes for one month
- Prepare a “thanks for everything” meal for Joe
- Organize the electronic cords behind the TV and the computer desk
- Have clothes and breakfast/lunch ready for work the night before for one month
- Host a dinner party
- Update Quicken once a week
- Make a budget
- Try seitan
- Start playing piano again – learn the complete Tori Amos book
- Send Christmas cards out to family and friends
- Construct a digital photo album of family images
- Listen to all my CD’s at least once
- Pray Every Day
- Visit a country I have never been to before