Funny Bucket List Ideas for Summer
Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things to do checklist

Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish
List of stuff to do
I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Here are some travel items I have now:
- Skip rocks in a river
- Set up or make a slip n slide
- Leap off a rope swing
- Learn to hula hoop
- Scavenger hunt walk
- Run a themed 5k
- Go fishing
- Grow an herb garden
- Brew your own beer
- Make recycled crayons
- Play frisbee
- R ward a try
- Take a road trip
- Go to an amusement park
- Host a bonfire
- Picnic at the park
- Make root beer floats
- Backyard water games
- Make a sand castle
- Go skinny dipping
- Go to a water splash pad
- Ride a big water slide
- Go to a parade
- Have a pillow fight
- Get a summer hair cut
- Go on a scavenger hunt
- Make your own fidget spinners
- Create a cocktail
- Outdoor movie night
- Volunteer
- Make a time capsule
- Make a bird feeder
- Make tie-dye t- shirts
- Make sail boats and race
- Have a water balloon fight
- Go bowling
- Do a random act of kindness
- Especially when it is done for a complete stranger
- Make homemade bubbles
- Have a yard sale and let the kids help
- Play catch
- Sleep under the stars
- Make a champagne toast whilst flying high in the sky
- Start a rock collection
- Go to a drive-in movie
- Make sangria
- Camping in the backyard
- Ride a ferris wheel
- Make ice cream in a baggie
- Plant a garden
- Homemade marshmallow guns
- Mud run
- Grab an adventurous friend or two and take on mother nature
- Run through sprinklers
- Make sun catchers
- Make s’mores
- Paddle a canoe
- Attend burning man
- Fondue night
- Have a fun summer reading program
- Bake cookies
- Play disc golf
- Look at the drive-in movie website to locate the nearest one
- Play in a kiddie pool
- Bake a fruit pie from scratch
- Go somewhere you have never been
- Go to the skate park or a skating rink
- Build a treehouse
- Give back to the society and you will be the better for it
- Attend a parade
- Play dress up
- Learn how to play a new board game
- Sip a umbrella cocktail by the pool
- Hike a new trail
- Have a puppet show
- Go 24 hours without internet, radio or television
- Make sand castles at the park or beach
- Stand under a waterfall
- Do a cannonball into a body of water
- Attend an outdoor concert
- Spend the entire day barefoot
- Make a lemonade stand
- Play on a slip-n-slide
- Go to a farmer’s market
- Favorite movies marathon
- Play mini golf
- Visit an imax theater
- Attend story time at the library
- Learn to surf
- Go on a road trip
- Make ice cream
- Compete in a food eating competition
- Tie-dye t-shirts
- Run in the sprinklers
- Go star gazing
- Make journals
- Make treats for neighbors
- Get a pedicure
- Make homemade jam
- Watch the sunrise
- Go backpacking with a friend
- Play legos
- Have a treasure hunt
- Make friendship bracelets
- Go waterskiing
- Decorate cupcakes or cookies
- Make homemade instruments
- Go to the zoo
- Visit a historical site
- Nap in a hammock
- Do a jigsaw puzzle
- Watch the sunset
- Go whitewater rafting
- Have a family talent show
- Watch fireworks
- Go to a children’s museum
- Family bike ride
- Read a nyt best seller
- Have a cousin sleepover
- This tie-dye kit will make it much easier for you!
- Learn to swim or go swimming
- Make pet rocks
- Do a fun science project
- Fly a kite
- Make homemade popsicles
- Porch sit for the afternoon
- Collect sea shells
- Just go with it and have fun
- Go wine tasting
- Learn to juggle
- Most cities have free tours too
- Go to a park you’ve never been to before
- Pick strawberries
- Feed the ducks
- Chase down the ice cream truck
- Walk barefoot in the sand
- Make a summer playlist
- Visit a nature center
- Make 4th of july shirts
- Learn to fly fish
- Go bird watching
- Learn to shoot a bow & arrow
- Skip stones in a lake
- That should get you bitten by the wanderlust bug real quick
- Make paper airplanes and race
- The funnest part? Testing all the different concoctions
- Build an indoor fort using blankets
- Go to the beach
- Be a tourist in your own city
- Attend a kids workshop at home depot or lowe’s
- Make or go get snow cones
- Catch butterflies with nets
- Sleep in a cabin
- Go to a summer matinee
- Go horseback riding
- Take a boat ride
- Make princess crowns or hero capes
- Go to a baseball game
- Watch fireflies
- Take your bounty home and try making a delicious farmers’ market salad loaded with veggies
- Go see a fireworks show
- Create sidewalk art using chalk
- Find the perfect venue in your area, bring a lawn chair and spend a bucket list worthy evening listening to tunes
- Have an ice cream party with lots of toppings
- Mail a letter to someone special
- Go camping
- Go a local farmer’s market
- Write your own story
- Make homemade play dough
- Have the ultimate bbq
- Go the the local fair
- Have a picnic
- Homemade pizza party
- Make smoothies
- Try a new food