Cheap Bucket List Ideas
Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things to do checklist

Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish
List of stuff to do
I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Bucket list for you and your boyfriend. Here are some cheap bucket list ideas items I have now:
- Do One Thing You Are Afraid Of
- Lemonade stands.
- Leave a Love Note on the Bathroom Mirror
- The beach (seashell hunting, castle building, ocean splashing, lying down in the sand while your kids throw sand in your face)
- Face this fear today by planning a date with yourself
- Learn to Juggle
- Have a luau in the backyard. Don’t forget Limbo!
- Hike a New Trail
- Give Blood
- Get Fitted for a Bra
- Find a pen pal, and start writing letters
- Bake a Loaf of Bread
- Play 20 Questions With Your Partner
- Surprise Someone
- Go for an inch hike. Create a gauge or mark your finger at 1 inch. Then go for a walk or hike, looking for things that are less an inch or less long
- The lines do not need to rhyme, actually most of the time they don’t
- Handwrite a Letter to Someone Special
- Perform a Magic Trick
- Homemade snow cones, popsicles, or ice cream. No one wants to bake in the summer, but frozen treats are totally fun to whip up together — and eat
- Do a Charity Walk
- Go to the Movies By Yourself
- Go to Dinner and/or the Movies Alone
- Kids Skate Free offers free roller-skating passes for kids under 12 during the summer.
- Stay up late and have a night of stargazing
- Read a Classic
- Change Your Hair
- Tie-dye! Get a cheap kit from a craft store and go nuts. Definitely take this project outside
- Donate Clothing
- I can guarantee you that
- Have a picnic at a local park or even just in your backyard
- Get a bucket with soapy water and a few sponges. Have the kids wash your car. Have them wash their toys cars. Whatever. Water + kids + hot summer day = magic. And you might end up with a (slightly) cleaner car in the end
- Visit an animal shelter (though I can’t guarantee you won’t return home without a new pet or two)
- Be an Organ Donor
- It’s a completely free bucket list goal!
- Take a New Route to Work
- Start Fire Without Matches
- Start an Herb Garden
- Hug a Redwood
- Contact Someone with Your Own Name
- Collect rocks, and then come inside and paint them. We like to make them into bugs. So fun!
- Learn to Change the Oil in your Car
- Buy some simple appliances at the Salvation Army or Goodwill, give your kid a screwdriver, and let your kid go to town
- com offer free blogs with easy setup, all you have to do is come up with something creative to talk about
- Write a Haiku
- R
- Finish a Crossword Puzzle
- Watch the Sunrise & Sunset in One Day
- Hook up the sprinklers, or just say screw it and have the kids spray each other directly with the hose
- Kiss in the Rain
- Photography project (i e , give your kids your phone, kick them outside, and have them do a nature study through photos)
- Dance on a Bar
- Make a Gratitude Journal
- Volunteer
- Check out your local library’s calendar. Almost all of them have events for kids of all ages, always free
- Sleep Under the Stars
- Get out the water table. Add some spray bottles and water guns, and you’ve got hours of fun ahead of you
- Learn to Use Chopsticks
- Water balloons. My kids have had hours of fun with these. Just make sure you tell them to only toss the damn balloons inside (what a colossal mess!)
- Sign up for a reading program at your local library
- Knit a Scarf
- Put Change into Someone’s Expired Meter
- Cover the Bed in Rose Petals
- Zoos and museums often have free or reduced priced days, often at odd times. But who needs predictable schedule in the summer?
- Make a YouTube Video
- Camp out in the backyard!
- Be an Extra in a Movie
- Be a Tourist in Your Own Town
- Go 24 Hours without Internet, Radio or Television
- Sign up for Kids Bowl Free for free bowling passes. There are locations all over the U S , and all you have to do is complete the online registration to get two free bowling games a day, all summer long
- Scavenger hunts in the backyard or the living room!
- Make boats out of juice cartons
- Create a Blog
- After not reading it for five years, I have now vowed to visit it on every birthday
- Mini golfing can be relatively inexpensive and totally fun. Even the littlest ones can partake
- Have a garage sale.
- Entertain the Elderly at a Nursing Home
- Attempt Meditation
- But think about it
- Cheap movie theater deals. Lots of theaters will have half-price days or early-morning $1 shows
- Get a Slip ‘N Slide. They’re cheap, easy, and the kids love them. But they are seriously slippery, so parental supervision is pretty much required
- Drop them off at grandma’s house for a night. Pretend they won’t be given candy by the barrel or go to sleep way past their bedtimes. And anyway, who cares — it’s summer
- Name a Star
- Visit seniors at a nursing home or senior center. Their faces will light up as soon as you walk in!
- Feed a Homeless Person
- Make an Origami Animal
- Get Ordained
- Have a family barbecue. Nothing fancy, everything yummy
- Read the Book Before the Movie
- Sing Karaoke
- Science experiments. Make slime. Make gooey marbles. Make an exploding volcano in an empty soda bottle. Endless fun (and mess, too, but you can take the messier experiments outside)
- All National Parks are now free for fourth-graders Check it out!
- Make a Homemade Beauty Product
- Schoolyard fun day: jump rope, double-dutch, hopscotch, dodgeball Yes
- Go on a hike. Doesn’t have to be too far away or for too long. Remember bug spray. Seriously
- Assemble backpacks for homeless shelters or care packages for hospitalized kids
- Go to a free concert in the park. Most communities have at least one or two of these, and they are so delightful and fun
- Create Your Own Cocktail
- Learn the Alphabet in Sign Language
- Write a Letter to your Future Self
- and also your hopes for each of these things in the future
- And she was right
- It’d be a bonus if running the 5k was to support a local organization
- Run a Themed 5k
- Practice makes perfect!
- Complete a 1000+ Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
- Family board game day. Trivia night. Take all of this outside!
- Throw some shaving cream down on a table, the deck, a kiddie pool, or in the bath, and have your kids go wild, making art (or smearing it all over their faces, whatever works)
- Eat a New Food
- Day trips to random places within driving distance (pick a random place on the map and see what’s there)
- Have a hula hoop contest (though my son will beat you all—his hidden talent)
- Create obstacle courses at local parks or at home
- Write a Thank You Letter to a Company
- Go old school: Bring a radio outside and have a dance party
- Chain store event activities. Home Depot and Lowe’s do fun, free events for kids. And there’s always the drop-off playroom/ball pit at IKEA
- See a Foreign Film
- Reconnect with an Old Friend
- Ride a Mechanical Bull
- Make Fresh Pasta
- Sidewalk chalk! Sidewalk paint! Both favorites of mine!
- Have a jewelry party