Funny College Bucket List
Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things to do checklist

Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish
List of stuff to do
I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Bucket list for you and your boyfriend. Here are some Funny College Bucket List items I have now:
- Go out to a fancy dinner with new friends, formal attire required.
- Do a keg stand or a gargoyle.
- Become outraged that you didn’t get into any classes you wanted during registration.
- Walk into a random house with 30 other people while drinking mixed drinks out of plastic bottles.
- Go to a foam party dressed inappropriately.
- Pull a bona fide all-nighter.
- Grow a Beard
- Go to a Bar, Get into a Fight, Get Kicked Out of That Bar
- Eat an Entire Pizza, Alone.
- Get stuck in an elevator with someone you hooked up last weekend… and their significant other.
- Play pranks on the floor above you.
- Take a test without studying for it.
- Get drunk before class.
- Attend a protest.
- Use the gym as social hour and scope out all the hotties that you are too afraid to talk to when sober.
- Drunk dial your parents and tell them you are lost.
- Make out with someone of the same sex in the middle of a room at a crowded party or bar.
- Start a chant at a school-wide sporting event.
- Meet up with the people you talked to online all Summer and feel extremely awkward doing so.
- Do a Bar Crawl
- Learn to Speak Another Language (Just the Bad Words)
- Sleep through the next fire alarm.
- Spend a week only eating things you’ve never tried before.
- Get Drunk in Class
- Use your fake ID to get into the nearest shit bar that will let you in and order pitchers of beer all night.
- Stay at school for one holiday instead of going home.
- Refer to everyone by their orientation dates.
- Become a Beer Pong King
- Hook up with four different people in the same night.
- Road Trip with your Buddies
- Get a Chick To Eat a Banana While Also Competing in a Wet T-Shirt Contest
- Try everything in the dining hall… French fries, grab and go lunch, the ice cream bar, the waffles on Sunday morning, etc.
- Start a Protest for Something You Don’t Care About
- Get blacked out and wake up in an unfamiliar place.
- Hook up with someone you’ve never spoken to before, but is in one of your classes.
- Find Someone to be Your Slam Piece
- Steal at least 3 pounds worth of food from the dining hall.
- Attend a Sorority House Foam Party
- Fall for someone who has absolutely no romantic interest in you.
- Run out of the money on your student ID before the end of each semester.
- Lie and Tell Someone You are a Professor
- Take ten shots in ten minutes.
- The Walk of Shame
- Do a Keg Stand, Naked
- Get caught drinking by public safety and have a meeting with the RD a few days later persuading them that you are NOT an alcoholic.
- Skip a Class for No Other Reason Than to Sleep
- Interrupt a campus tour.
- Funnel four beers in five minutes.
- Sneak into a Casino
- Have a cliché Spring Break and go down to Miami.
- Have an impromptu dance party on the quad.
- Get Bent for the First Time in Your Life
- Forget to wear underwear to class.
- Play a drinking game at a frat house and then streak around the house if you lose.
- Go Streaking During a Live Sports Event
- Dance on a table, bar, or anything higher than ground level, with your hands in the air pointing at the crowded party-goers below you.
- Sexile someone at least once.
- Drink goldschlagger and then immediately vomit it back up in the nearest trashcan.
- Defriend everyone from first semester and orientation that you haven’t spoken to in months.
- Go out on a weekday night and then go to class at 8am the next morning.
- Clean the Freshman Facebook Out