Fantasy Football Slogans
Huge list of some great quotes from your favorite people, movies, and shows.

Here are some great quotes for you to enjoy.
List of quotes to use from shows and movies
I love coming up with cheesy quotes from shows and movies to put in cards and emails. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a nice quotes list. Here are some Fantasy Football Slogans items I have now:
- Rub some dirt on it
- Ain't no stoppin' us now
- The harder I work, the luckier I get
- Only a few walk where we walk
- We bust ours to kick yours
- Practice, practice, practice
- Champions for life
- Eat - Sleep - Play Football
- Rudy was off-sides!
- Deeds not words
- Hustle, hit, and never quit
- Don't plan to succeed - work to succeed
- Rise as One!
- Attitude is everything – life is 10% of what you make it; and 90% of how you take it
- Where there is unity there is victory
- One town - one team - one dream
- Never Quit
- Out run, out hit, out play, out hustle, out win
- Quitters throw in the towel. Winners use it to wipe off the sweat.
- Be strong, Be fierce
- It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up.
- Practice without improvement is meaningless
- Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing
- It's all heart, cause when you have no heart, you have no will. If you have no will, you give little effort. And in football, little effort means broken bones and blood.
- The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender
- There can be only 1
- Believe and achieve
- If football is your religion, prepare to meet your maker
- One team, one mission
- Where tradition began ... excellence continues!
- Winning traditions begin on the practice field
- We're going to win - so coach doesn't lose his job
- Not in our house
- One of us is not as strong as all of us
- 4th and inches, do you have what it takes?
- Luck favors the prepared
- Pucker up and kiss your dreams of a victory good bye
- The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.
- No distractions, just destruction
- Unity is strength
- Shut up and hit someone
- Expect Victory
- No limits
- Good enough…Isn’t
- This is our House
- Most football teams are temperamental. That's 90% temper and 10% mental.
- It's not the will to win, it;s the will to prepare for the win.
- We don't rebuild. We reload.
- Football - it's in my blood
- Pride - dedication - glory
- We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time.
- The more I sweat in practice, the less I bleed in battle
- Prepare for Combat
- We didn’t come here to play, we came here to win
- Be the Best!
- If it is to be, it is up to me
- That's why you DON'T play!
- Sweat plus sacrifice equals success
- Demand respect or expect defeat
- If we cannot find a way, we will make one.
- My world revolves around football
- Change the Game
- Be the hammer or the nail
- Finish the drill
- Your turf is mine
- Work ethic - discipline - character
- Champions are not born. They are built.
- Excellence in all we do
- Because we can!
- Attack the Future
- Talk with your pads, and play with your heart
- Win the Day
- Never give up - never back down - never lose faith
- There's no I in team, but you'll find ME if you look hard enough
- Fourth Quarter
- Where the weak become strong, and the strong become champions
- Keep Calm and Tackle Hard
- One heartbeat
- Do it NOW, Do it RIGHT
- We will win as a team, or lose as individuals
- Pro football is like nuclear warfare. There are no winners, only survivors.
- Winning does not take place in the public's eye, but in the sweat and passion one displays in the solitude of the gym.
- Pain is weakness leaving the body
- You can walk away or work harder
- Talk with your pads, play with your heart
- Band of brothers
- New Year, New Team, One Dream!
- Sweat more in preparation, bleed less in battle
- Failing to prepare is preparing to fail
- All out, all game, all season
- Sweat makes the green grass grow
- Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard
- The price of victory is high, but so are the rewards
- Our BEAST MODE is turned “ON” always
- Good. Better. Best. Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best
- Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.
- Your sweat is your fat crying. Keep it up.
- We can and we will
- First downs to touchdowns – That’s how we roll!
- No pain inflicted - no gain
- You gotta believe
- Remember that guy who gave up? Yeah, nobody else does either.
- BRING YOUR SKATES: Fight until Hell freezes over and then fight on the ice
- You’re not finished when you lose; you’re finished when you quit
- There's no I in team
- Great accomplishments require great sacrifices.
- A winning tradition
- The task ahead of you is never as great as the strength within you
- Out hustle, out work, out think, out play, out last
- Excuses stop here.
- Tradition never graduates
- A team above all - above all a team
- If you can't play with the big dogs, stay on the porch
- Play Fast
- The road to greatness is uphill
- Play like a champion today
- It doesn't matter who starts, but who can finish the game
- Did you leave everything on the field today?
- It’s what you do before the season start that makes a champion.
- If you do like you have always done, you’ll get what you always gotten.
- Winning is a habit - success is a choice
- We are ... Mobile, Agile, and Hostile
- Champions are made not born
- Our blood, our sweat, your tears
- the goal is to have more blood drop off your body than sweat does off of mine
- The body achieves what the mind believes
- Respect all - Fear none!
- We hit the books hard and our opponents harder
- Hustle and heart set us apart
- Keeping the dream alive
- You wondered if all the pain and sacrifice is worth you know.
- Success is not a random event.
- United we play - united we win
- What we do in life, echoes in eternity!
- THERE’S ONLY ONE (team nickname or school)
- Rise and Roar
- Offense wins games - defense wins championships
- We are family
- If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Thats why only we do it
- Finish Strong
- Refuse to Lose
- Play each down like it's your last
- Dedication is the bridge between goals and achievements
- Practice is the effort that makes winning possible
- Ain’t a horse that can’t be rode, ain’t a cowboy who can’t be throwed.
- Why not us?
- It's not a contact sport, it's a collision sport
- Trample the weak, Hurdle the dead
- Your body is like a chain - you are only as strong as your weakest link
- No pain, no gain
- Show no mercy. Make no excuses.
- Bringing out the best in each other
- If you can't take the pain, then stay off the field
- Practice does not make perfect, Perfect practice makes Perfect
- Turn a setback into a comeback
- If you can't take a hit, stay off the field
- Pride, Hustle, Desire
- All it takes it all you've got
- One Way: FORWARD
- Pain is temporary, pride is forever
- Actions speak louder than words - no excuses
- Pursue Perfection
- A bad place to be is between me and the ball.
- No regrets
- Never let good enough be enough
- Never give up, never back down, never lose the faith
- Touchdown - the land of milk and honey
- Faith, Family, Football
- Win the last game
- Champions are made, not born
- We furnish everything but GUTS!
- We can, we will, we are one team
- Everybody wants to win. But not everybody is willing to do what it takes.
- Protect This House
- Something is impossible until it is accomplished
- We walk through this door together
- Small town - big dreams
- Play hard, smart and together
- Champions play as one
- It’s hard to beat a team that never gives up
- Play every play, like it is the last play, you will every play
- When you are face to face with adversity, NEVER flinch
- The first step in winning is believing you can
- Your parents came here to watch ME play!
- Dedication + motivation = success
- Success starts with believing in yourself.
- Win your battle
- How do you want to be remembered
- Go hard or go home
- It’s all about TEAM – nothing else matters
- Championships are made when the stands are empty
- Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it
- Whatever it takes
- Do what we do
- Come Together, Work Together, Play Together, Win Together
- Nothing but the pigskin
- Work Hard Stay Humble
- Football is all teamwork .. it is kind of hard to grasp that at times
- Mediocrity is as close to the bottom as it is to the top.
- The football MVP was once a beginner
- There is no limit to what can be accomplished when nobody cares who gets the credit
- Second place means First Loser!
- Practice winning every day
- Catch the Spirit
- Look up, get up, but never give up
- Even if I told you the play, you couldn't stop me.
- The future is now
- Leave it all on the field
- Pain of sacrifice or pain of regret?
- Sweat makes the grass grow
- If its gotta be, it starts with me