Golf Slogans
Huge list of some great quotes from your favorite people, movies, and shows.

Here are some great quotes for you to enjoy.
List of quotes to use from shows and movies
I love coming up with cheesy quotes from shows and movies to put in cards and emails. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a nice quotes list. Here are some Golf Slogans items I have now:
- All it takes is all you’ve got
- Make it a Golf night
- Hit it long
- There’s no traffic on the extra mile
- Championships are won at practice
- Never let good enough BE enough!
- Prayers never are answered on golf course
- Respect All, Fear None
- The key to getting it in the hole: Keep your head down and spread your legs a little further
- Hit it longer.
- It’s Good To Talk Golf
- The most I practice, the luckier I get.
- Golf is 99% failed to win
- Drive for show, Putt for dough
- Until we get our green jackets, these will have to do
- Play the course not your opponent
- A golfers diet consists of lots of greens.
- Be cool & play Golf
- Keep calm and Golf on
- It’s what you do before the season start that makes a champion.
- Get Golf or Get Out
- Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard
- Can you put the ball in?
- (Input your H.S. name here) Ladies Golf… Lead by example and play with passion!
- Silly boys, Golf is for Girls
- Golf is our favorite course
- 270 yards into the woods, is always more impressive than 240 yards down the fairway
- Cool play
- I didn’t lose my marbles…I traded them for golf balls.
- Nothing like Golf
- A Golfer loves green
- Golfers have longer shafts
- License to Golf
- We get our daily dose of iron
- Never let it rest, until your good is better and your better is best.
- Got Golf?
- Don’t fear the bogey man. Go birdie watching.
- Your target, easy to reach.
- A bad attitude is worse than a bad swing.
- Handicap keeps me in my place
- Tee it high. Let it fly.
- Golf is a way of life
- (input your H.S. name here) Ladies golf… Where the eagles come easy!
- Golf. The art of playing fetch with yourself.
- Play like a champion today
- The most important shot in golf is the next one. (Ben Hogan)
- Clubbing at its best!
- What happens on the golf course, stays in the golf course.
- Golf, this is it
- Life is good when you’re Golfing
- Pure Golf
- Iron men
- It takes a lot of balls to golf the way I do.
- Chicks with sticks
- Golf & sex only things not good at but can be enjoyed
- Grip it and Rip it
- (Input your H.S. name here) Ladies Golf… Give me Golf or give me Death!
- A team above all. Above all a team.
- Eat sleep and play Golf
- Go long or go home
- Keep your balls clean and your woods covered
- An endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle.
- Swing into action.
- Golf is the sport where your most feared opponent, is yourself!
- Golf for smart people
- (Input your H.S. name here) Ladies Golf… The FORCE is strong with us!
- Cinderella Story…out of nowhere
- Practice winning every day
- The more we practice the luckier we get
- Let’s play Golf
- There is only one game.
- Less work more Golf
- Golf is my bag, man
- Who’s Your Caddy?
- Play like a Champion Today
- School is for students who can’t play golf
- Practice, practice, practice
- It’s all in the knees, baby! From Happy Gilmore
- No Golf? No way
- Includes a “Golf Champion” CertificateChicks with sticks
- Fore Father.
- Winning is a habit, Success is a choice
- To win a golf match, play the course not your opponent.
- Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
- Have more than you show, and speak less than you know.
- Your target is your goal
- Watch the birdie
- Smart. Beautiful. Golf
- Golfers do it on the green
- Mistakes are proof that you are trying.
- Golf is for those who like to stroke it
- Winning takes care of everything.
- What’s an off season.
- You’re in Good Hands with Golf
- Refuse to Lose
- In love with Golf
- My golf game is improving… I miss the hole nearer now.
- Train insane or remain the same.
- It’s about the business write-off.
- That’s how I roll
- Our balls are lost
- If you watch a game, it’s fun…If you play it, it’s recreation…if you work at it, it’s golf.
- If its gotta be, it starts with me
- Work. Play. Win. Repeat.
- Think Golf
- Naughty, but Golf
- Golf now ask later
- (Input your H.S. name here) Lady Launchers. Stand back and watch the Big Dog eat!
- It’s all about Golf
- A minor adjustment can produce outstanding results.
- How’s our driving? Call 1-800-GOLF-PRO
- Golf strong, go long
- Outdrive your competition.
- Can you handle my balls?
- The most important shot in golf is the next one.
- G for Green, G for Golf
- It’s just hard to play
- (input your H.S. name here) Ladies golf… It was a pleasure Beating, I mean Meeting you!