One Liners Church Signs

Huge list of some great quotes from your favorite people, movies, and shows.


Here are some great quotes for you to enjoy.

List of quotes to use from shows and movies

I love coming up with cheesy quotes from shows and movies to put in cards and emails. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a nice quotes list. Here are some One Liners Church Signs items I have now:

  • Practice thanking God for more than elastic waistbands
  • The fact that there's a highway to hell and only a stairway to heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers
  • God wants full custody, not just weekend visits
  • We accept Pray-Pal
  • This is your sign to come to church
  • G I F – Thank God I’m Forgiven!
  • Dust on your Bible leads to dirt in your life
  • U S H = Pray Until Something Happens!
  • No body's perfect, but a Jesus workout could help
  • Forecast for tomorrow: God reigns and the Son shines
  • Do you spend your time with God's book or Facebook?
  • We have a prophet-sharing plan
  • You have one new friend request from: Jesus
  • If God is your copilot, switch seats
  • Our sign broke Come inside for the message
  • Honk if you love Jesus Text and drive if you want to meet him
  • God didn't create anything without purpose, but mosquitoes do come close!
  • Eternity is a long time to think about where you went wrong
  • Store the Bible in your heart, not on a shelf
  • God saw you do that
  • Download your worries and get online with God
  • What happens in Vegas is forgiven here
  • Prophecy class cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances
  • Under the same management for more than 2,000 years
  • Don’t wait for the hearse to take you to church
  • Jesus said “I’ll be back” way before Arnold did
  • What happens in Vegas is forgiven here!
  • What did Adam say to Eve? I'll wear the plants in this family
  • Easter comes once a year How often do you?
  • Less hate, more pancakes.
  • Hate corny church signs? Amen!
  • iPod? iPad? Try iPray! God is listening!
  • God recycles He made you from dust
  • Jesus is God's selfie
  • Addicted to the Hokey Pokey, so I turned myself around
  • Jesus said "I'll be back" way before Arnold did
  • If you're praying for a blizzard, please go to Dairy Queen
  • Looking for the perfect gift? Find Him here
  • The struggle is real but so is God
  • iPod? iPad? Try iPray
  • Visitors welcomed Members expected
  • Life is change Growth is optional Choose wisely
  • Free Coffee and Everlasting Life Yes, membership has its privileges
  • There are some questions that can’t be answered by Google
  • Jesus does not save halfway
  • Prayer The original wireless connection
  • I find your lack of faith disturbing – Darth Vader
  • Life is cray cray Jesus is the way way
  • Shock your Mom… go to church today!
  • Be kind whenever possible Pro tip – it's always possible
  • Don't give up! Moses was once a basket case!
  • Jesus: Your get-out-of-Hell-free card
  • Let’s meet Sunday at my house before the game –God
  • God is our wireless provider!
  • We are not Dairy Queen… but we have Great Sundays!
  • Do you keep your Bible as close as your cell phone?
  • I am also making a list and checking it twice – God
  • If you are more fortunate than others, build a longer table, not a taller fence
  • Autumn leaves Jesus doesn’t
  • Honk if you love Jesus Text while driving if you want to meet him
  • This church is prayer-conditioned
  • Call 911; our pastor is on fire!
  • You wanted a sign? Here it is!
  • Walmart is not the only place for savings
  • Jesus: Your get-out-of-hell-free card
  • Give Satan an inch and he'll become your ruler
  • God loves you whether you like it or not
  • What could this sign say to get you here on Sunday?
  • Get off of Facebook and into my book –God
  • Our church is like fudge: sweet with a few nuts
  • Thou shalt not steal copper from our A/C unit
  • You may party in Hell, but you will be the barbecue
  • The best vitamin for a believer is B1
  • Can’t sleep? Don’t count sheep – talk to the shepherd!
  • Sinners wanted Apply within
  • When you throw mud, you lose ground
  • Looking for "Mr Right"? This is His house!
  • I hate this church – Satan
  • Adam and Eve: The first people to read the Apple terms and conditions
  • Gossip is the Devil's radio Are you his DJ?
  • Does life stink? We have a pew for you!
  • Why pay for GPS? Jesus gives directions for free
  • Maury isn't the only place where people find their Fathers
  • Jesus will love the Hell out of you
  • Always remember that Hell is really un-cool
  • Faith is the postage stamp on our prayers
  • Jesus has a great “prophet-sharing” plan!
  • Free Coffee! Yes, membership has its benefits!
  • When gratitude becomes your default setting, life changes
  • ATM inside: Atonement, Truth, Mercy
  • Need a lifeguard? He walks on water
  • Keep using my name in vain, and I'll make rush hour longer – God
  • Your name may be on a bottle of Coke, but is it in the Book of Life?
  • Can't sleep? Counting sheep? Talk to the Shepherd!
  • If your life stinks, we have a pew for you
  • Fifty Shades of Grace
  • Hipster Jesus loved you before you were cool
  • God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts
  • Without the Bread of Life, you’re toast
  • How do we make Holy Water? We boil the Hell out of it!
  • Does your spiritual house need spring cleaning?
  • Acting up in church is like dressing up for an X-ray
  • Read the Bible It will scare the Hell out of you!
  • Don’t give up! Moses was once a basket-case too!
  • Tithe if you love Jesus Anyone can honk
  • The manger was the first king-sized bed
  • If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it
  • Jesus is coming Look busy!
  • Need a lifeguard? Ours walks on water!
  • Body piercing saved our souls
  • Too cold to change sign! Message inside
  • Under the same management for over 2,000 years
  • Trust in God, but lock your car
  • Feeling warm? This church is prayer-conditioned
  • No SPF needed to spend time with the Son
  • What section would you prefer in the afterlife? Smoking or non-smoking?
  • Don't make me come down there – God
  • “I’m also making a list and checking it twice” – God
  • This heat wave is temporary You certainly don't want to face an eternal one!
  • Church parking only Violators will be baptized
  • The 10 Commandments are not multiple choice!
  • We are not Dairy Queen, but we do have great Sundays!
  • We are still open between Christmas and Easter
  • God answers all knee mail
  • Seven days without Prayer makes one WEAK!
  • God expects spiritual fruit, not religious nuts!
  • Church shopping? We’re open on Sundays
  • Exercise daily Walk with the Lord
  • God’s last name isn’t “Damn!”
  • Son screen prevents sin burn
  • Prevent truth decay Brush up on your Bible
  • What is missing from ch__ch? U R!
  • Tweet others as you would like to be tweeted
  • I was going to waste, but Jesus recycled me
  • Forbidden fruits create many jams
  • Wrinkled with problems? Come to the Lord's House for a faith lift
  • Bring your sin to the altar and drop it like it's hot Drop it like it's hot
  • Lord, help us be the people our dogs think we are
  • Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?
  • Prevent truth decay Brush up on your Bible!
  • The donkey and the elephant are fighting Look to the Lamb for answers

One Liners Church Signs

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